
For first time Users

Please register your user account first in order to use NOUS system.
Click "新規登録はこちら" below and fill in the required informations and press the send button.

After your registration is approved, you will be notified by email that your account has been created.
It will take a few days to complete the registration, so please complete the registration as soon as possible.



If you have any questions about new registration, please read this "FAQ".


New features have been added to NOUS

We have created a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page.

We have renewed the website of Natural Science Collaborative Research System (NOUS).

What is the NINS Open Use System (NOUS) ?

We have started the operation of the NINS Open Use System (NOUS) in FY 2017, in order to manage integratedly everything from Appliction to Screening, Adoption, Report and Publication of Results, and Analisys of our Public Recruitment-Type Joint Research.
NOUS is the gateway to collaborative research with NINS. We receive and respond to requests for Joint Research from researchers in various fields. And we further promote Joint Research and create cross-diciplinary research field.