トップ > IRCC-QIB > News > Visit to Princeton University regarding future collaborations (June 4-5, 2019)


Visit to Princeton University regarding future collaborations (June 4-5, 2019)


On June 4 and 5, IRCC-QIB members, Drs. Naoto Ueno (NIBB), Moritoshi Iino (IMS), Kazuhiro Aoki (NIBB), and Dr. Nobuyuki Shina, an associate professor of NIBB, as well as Dr. Yuhei Goto, a posdoc in Dr. Aoki's laboratory, visited Princeton University and met with several PIs and their colleagues. We used this occasion to have discussions about possible future collaborations between NINS and Princeton U..

After the discussion with Drs. Cliff Brangwynne and Shunsuke Shimobayashi. Taken from Twitter

Photo: After the discussion with Drs. Cliff Brangwynne and Shunsuke Shimobayashi. Taken from Twitter @brangwynnelab


Drs. Kazuhiro Aoki and Jared Toettcher after the discussion.

Photo: Drs. Kazuhiro Aoki and Jared Toettcher after the discussion.