トップ > IRCC-QIB > News > Collaborative paper published in Cell Systems (April 1, 2019)


Collaborative paper published in Cell Systems (April 1, 2019)


A paper, which was the result of a two and a half year collaboration between Associate Professor Ileana Cristea (Dept. Mol. Biol., Princeton U.) and Professor Naoto Ueno (NIBB), titled "Mechanical Force Induces Phosphorylation-Mediated Signaling that Underlies Tissue Response and Robustness in Xenopus Embryos" was published on line in Cell Systems.

Cellular changes after force stimulation

Figure: Cellular changes after force stimulation

Tight junctions (TJ) that seal between cells are strengthened by the accumulation of a TJ component ZO-1.





Dr. Yutaka Hashimoto (left), Prof. Ileana Cristea (center), and Prof. Naoto Ueno (right)

Photo: Dr. Yutaka Hashimoto (left), Prof. Ileana Cristea (center), and Prof. Naoto Ueno (right)


※The first author of this paper was Dr. Yutaka Hashimoto, who went on to become a NINS-QIB fellow.