トップ > IRCC-QIB > News > The first IRCC-QIB seminar held at NIBB(July 17, 2019)


The first IRCC-QIB seminar held at NIBB(July 17, 2019)


We invited Drs. Masato Kato (South Western Medical College, U. Texas) and Shunsuke Shimobayashi (Princeton U./ Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology) to the seminars on Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) in life science. The respective titles for each seminar were "New Structural Biology Created by Low-complexity Sequences: Cross-β Polymers, Phase Transition/Separation, and Neurodegenerative Diseases", and "Nuclear bodies undergo heterogeneous nucleation near the binodal line in mitosis", and we were consequently able to have fruitful discussions with many audiences.


Introduction of the IRCC-QIB by Prof. Ueno.

Photo: Introduction of the IRCC-QIB by Prof. Ueno.


Seminar by Dr. Kato

Photo: Seminar by Dr. Kato


Seminar by Dr. Shimobayashi

Photo: Seminar by Dr. Shimobayashi