トップ > IRCC-QIB > News > Collaborative paper published in Cell Reports (March 17, 2020)


Collaborative paper published in Cell Reports (March 17, 2020)


A paper, which was the result of a collaboration between Professor Ileana Cristea (Dept. Mol. Biol., Princeton U.) and Professor Naoto Ueno (IRCC-QIB/NIBB), titled "Mechanical stress regulates epithelial tissue integrity and stiffness through the FGF receptor/Erk2 signaling pathway during embryogenesis" was published on line in Cell Reports. This research has further deepened the existing collaboration between NIBB and Princeton University, which in turn has led to an article being published in 2019 (Ref: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cels.2019.01.006).

Cell Reports

