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Commemorative ceremony to launch the Plasma Bio Consortium!

Updated : July 25, 2018

July 23, 2018, "Plasma Bio Consortium commemorative ceremony commemoration ceremony" (@ Nagoya University (Nagoya city, Aichi prefecture)) held

(Published July 24, 2018)


Mr. Matsuo, President of Nagoya University (left) Deputy President of Kyushu University (center) Mr. Komori National Institutes of Natural Sciences President (right)


"Commemorative ceremony for the launch of the Plasma Bio Consortium" was held at Nagoya University on July 23, 2018.



Isoya sentence be congratulated Department science Ministry of Research Promotion Director


The ceremony, Department of Plasmabio Science related to Section researchers and other related such as universities with the Section, such as person, was attended by 174 persons.

Beginning, organizer and is Seiichi Matsuo Nagoya-General, Hiroyuki Sasaki of Kyushu University Vice-Chancellor, Akio Komori National Institutes of Natural Sciences there is a greeting than length, subsequently, Katsura Isoya Kaibun as a guest Department stated the congratulatory message from Science Ministry Research Promotion Director Yes.

Next, the outline of the consortium will be given from Tetsuya Ohno, Plasma Nano Engineering Research at Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering, Director

After the commemorative photograph, HoriMasaru Nagoya plasma medical science International Innovation Director, Shoji Kyushu University Plasma Nanotechnology interface engineering Shiratani Director, Toyokuni Shinya Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine Professor keynote address by was made.



From left in the front row, Komori National Institutes of Natural Sciences length, Matsuo name old university president, Isoya sentence Department Science Ministry Research Promotion Director General, Sasaki of Kyushu University Vice-Chancellor

From the left column, Imoto National Institutes of Natural Sciences Center for Novel Science Initiatives (CNSI), Hori Nagoya University Plasma Medical Science International Innovation Director

Ohno Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering, University Plasma Nanotechnology Research Director, Kyushu University Shiratani plasma nano-interface Engineering Director, Toyokuni Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine Professor

The program of the day is hereProgram [PDF file / 421 KB]

Abstract of the lecture distributed on the day is hereAbstract of lecture [PDF file / 1.63 MB]


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