
Executive Officers (September, FY 2024)

Executive Officers (September, FY 2024)

Names and Job Titles of Executive Officers

Position Name In Charge


Executive Director Keiji IMOTO Collaborative Research, Plan・Evaluation, etc...
Executive Director Teruo FURUYA

Information, Research Ethics, etc...

Executive Director(Secretary General) Kazuhisa OKAMOTO General Affairs, Employee, Financial Affairs, Facilities, etc...
Executive Director(Vice President) Zensho YOSHIDA Public Relations, Environmental Consideration
Executive Director(Vice President) Kiyokazu AGATA Gender Equality Promotion, Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems(ExCELLS)
Executive Director(part-time) Hideaki TAKAYANAGI Industry-academia-government collaboration, International Cooperation
Vice President Mamoru DOI Astrobiology Center
Vice President Junichi NABEKURA Experimental Animals
Vice President Yoshihito WATANABE Graduate School Education

Yuichi OGAWA

Auditor(part-time) Shigeki UEKUSA

Career of Executive Officers (Japanese Only)

・Histoly of Executive Officers (JP) [PDF]


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