Collaborative Research Map
This program will also support the activities of research groups using MIRAI-DX (see below). If the research started with the use of MIRAI-DX, please put a check in the application form.
A "DX platform for URA collaboration" in which URAs (including occupations similar to URA) of research universities participating in the Research University Consortium are registered. The purpose is to generate joint research beyond the boundaries of fields and organizations by exchanging information with URAs of other universities using cross-sectional access to public information, etc. of registered researchers registered in various databases while the URAs support the researchers.
URAs from universities other than the Research University Consortium can also participate (limited to URAs (including occupations similar to URA; for details, please contact
Items to be submitted
Applicants for this program are required to submit the following documents after selection and before the start of research, depending on the content of the research or experiment to be conducted. In addition, except as noted below, you may be required to submit other necessary documents. In carrying out this program, if you wish to use facilities that are shared by NINS, you may be required to carry out procedures after meeting with NINS employees.
① Written approval from the NINS president for engaging in this program (including joint researchers)
② Proof of taking the research ethics education course
③ Confirmation of taking out the Disaster and Accident Insurance for Student Education and Research if there are graduate students among the cooperators
④ Radiation work certification application form
Each joint use and research and joint use and experiment require radiation worker registration after acceptance if radio isotopes are to be used at NINS.
⑤ Submission of the recombinant DNA experiment design
Each joint use and research and joint use and experiment are supposed to submit the experiment design from the associated division in NINS if accompanied by recombinant DNA experiments.
⑥ Submission of the animal experiment design
Each joint use and research and joint use and experiment are supposed to submit the experiment design if accompanied by animal experiments.
⑦ Human genome and gene analysis research
Each joint use and research and joint use and experiment require screening after acceptance if human genome and gene analysis research are to be used at NINS.
⑧ Research of physiological sciences targeted at humans and specimens obtained from humans and other relevant fields
Each joint utilization and research and joint utilization and experiment require preliminary approval of the ethics committee of the affiliated institute if "research of physiological sciences targeted at humans and specimens obtained from humans and other relevant fields" are to be used at the National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS). If there is no ethics committee in the affiliated institute, a confirmation letter stating that there is no ethical problem from the head of the affiliated institute is required. The ethics committee of NIPS will also make a screening after acceptance.
Handling of intellectual property
This shall be as prescribed in Inventions by Employee Rules of the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS Rules No. 12 of 2004).
Handling of personal information
Personal information included in the application documents will be under tight control based on the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information Held by Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc." and "Personal Information Protection Rules" of NINS and used for operation purposes of this program only.
Accommodation facilities
Accommodation facilities may be used in NINS if implementing joint research in each institute. For details, contact the information and consultation desk listed at "11. Others (7) "Contact Information and Consultation Desk".
Examples of accommodation facilities
① NAOJ Cosmos Lodge,
② NIFS Researcher accommodation facility (Helicon Club)
③ Okazaki area (NIBB, NIPS, IMS) Okazaki area accommodation facilities for researchers (Mishima Lodge and Myodaiji Lodge)
Childcare support
Childcare support may be used in NINS if implementing joint research in each institute. However, the capacity is limited so contact the following desks in advance.
The nursing room can be used if implementing joint utilization and joint research in NAOJ (Mitaka area only). Contact the following in advance if you wish to use it.
Employee Affairs Section, General Affairs Division, Administration Department, NAOJ
Tel: 0422-34-3654 (Direct number)
A part of the temporary daycare use fee of a child is supported if implementing joint utilization and joint research in NIFS. Contact the following in advance if you wish to use it.
Personnel and Payroll Section, General Affairs Division
Department of Administration, NIFS
Tel: 0572-58-2012 (Direct number)
The nursing facility within the place of business can be used if there is an opening when implementing joint utilization and joint research in NIBB, NIPS, and IMS. Contact the following roughly 6 weeks prior to the preferred date of use if you wish to use it.
General Affairs Section, General Affairs Division
General Affairs Department, Okazaki Administration Center
Tel: 0564-55-7112 (Direct number)