Collaborative Research Map

Proposals on the OPEN MIX LAB (OML) Program

Proposals on the OPEN MIX LAB (OML) Program

1. Purpose of the Program

The Open Mix Lab (OML) is a research platform managed and operated by the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS). OML will reorganize the various open recruitment programs that NINS has conducted so far, and promote innovative research activities, assuming the participation of various experts not only from academia but also from industry. 

At OML, shared research facilities and equipment held by NINS will be provided. In addition, research funding is provided through open recruitment research programs to form OML projects. OML projects are classified into the following multiple types according to the purpose and progress of activities. 

① OML Project (research co-creation type)
② OML Project (young researcher support type)
③ OML Project (theme setting type)
④ OML Project (research start-up support type)
⑤ OML Project (technology development type)
OML Project (industry-academia collaboration researcher support type)

OML projects promote the application of research methods, research equipment and facilities to new fields, and promote innovative research activities through research exchanges and inter-organizational collaboration. They are expected to further develop conventional research and propose and promote new research themes by combining existing knowledge and technologies and applying them to different fields.

Participants in OML projects can communicate across disciplines and research themes, generate new ideas, and conduct joint research. They will be provided with a forum for exchange where they can produce better research results by presenting their research results and receiving feedback from each other. 

2. Overview of the Open Recruitment

① research co-creation type ② young researcher support type ③ theme setting type ④ research start-up support type technology development type


A project to support innovative research through inter-organizational collaboration carried out by researchers affiliated with domestic research institutes, including NINS, in cooperation with NINS employees

A project to support innovative research through inter-organizational collaboration between NINS young researchers and researchers affiliated with domestic research institutes. 

A project to support innovative research related to themes set by NINS, in which researchers affiliated with domestic research institutes, including NINS, private companies, etc., cooperate with NINS employees while utilizing cross-appointments, etc. and promoting exchanges by establishing a place for practical joint research at NINS
See below for FY 2025 themes (*)

A project to support start-up research, workshops, and preliminary research for researchers affiliated with domestic research institutes, including NINS, to cooperate with NINS employees and launch innovative research through inter-organizational collaboration

A project to support technical employees affiliated with NINS in developing technology, which is one of the important elements for promoting innovative research through future inter-organizational collaboration, based on basic research at NINS.


Unlike ① to , it is also possible to apply independently.

Application Qualification

Researchers affiliated with domestic universities and public research institutes
(Those affiliated with overseas universities/institutes are not eligible)

NINS young researchers under 40 years old

Researchers affiliated with domestic universities, public research institutes, private companies, etc.
(Those affiliated with overseas universities/institutions are not eligible)

Researchers affiliated with domestic universities and public research institutes
(Those affiliated with overseas universities/institutes are not eligible)
Technical employees, specially appointed senior specialists, senior specialists belonging to NINS
(those who affiliated with NINS who are not eligible to apply for ① to )

Amount Applied

Within five (5) million yen per year

Within five (5) million yen per year

Within ten (10) million yen per year

Within one (1) million yen per year

Within one (1) million yen per year

Research Period

Up to three (3) years

Up to three (3) years

Two (2) years

Single year Single year

Screening Method

Documentary screening and screening interview Documentary screening and screening interview Documentary screening and screening interview Documentary screening Documentary screening

Number of Cases Scheduled to be Accepted

Approximately 10 cases Approximately 5 cases Approximately 2 cases Limited number Approximately 5 cases

* 2025 Theme
Theme 1: "Analysis technology development and application using light in all wavelength regions"
We are looking for research proposals aimed at utilizing light in wavelength regions that have not been used much in the past.       

Theme 2:"Basic research and development that contributes to GX (storage batteries, hydrogen, bio-manufacturing)"

Theme 3: "Basic and applied research using AI, machine learning, and mathematics"

*The theme will be reviewed every year.

3. Application Method and Application Period

Applications must be submitted electronically.

Please click the banner below to apply from the NOUS website.

スクリーンショット 2023-04-19 11.43.07.png

※The application page will be posted on the above site at 10:00 on November 1, 2024.

The application period is from 10:00 on November 1 (Fryday) to 17:00 on November 29(Friday).

In applying, be sure to discuss the research theme, research plan, necessary expenses, etc. with a professor, associate professor, or assistant professor affiliated with NINS before submitting the application form. 
For information on the research departments and researchers of NINS, please refer to the website of each institute listed in "6. Research Implementation Structure" or consult with the desk stated in "11. Others (7) Contact Information and Consultation Desk ". 
Additionally, since the screening will be conducted by judges outside the field of the applied theme, try to write information that is easy to understand even for people outside the field.

4. Documents

Outline of the Call for Proposals on the OPEN MIX LAB (OML) Program for FY 2025.pdf

5. Research Implementation Structure

If you intend to implement research from this program, be sure to include more than one (1) NINS employee in the joint researchers. For the technology development type, you can apply either individually or jointly. 
Additionally, set one (1) person among , NINS employees up as the expenses operating officer. Regarding this program, check the website of each institute for more information, etc. about the research content or those implementing the research of each institute in NINS or consult the desk stated in "11. Others (7) Contact Information and Consultation Desk". 

6. Expenses

For expenses in this program, the expenses operating officer (NINS employee) shall allocate the budget. In operating expenses, the expenses operating officer will operate expenses. In addition, please follow the NINS rules, etc. in the operation of expenses. 

More Information

7. Screening, Etc.

The screening of this program will be decided by the NINS Research Cooperation and Liaison Committee based on documents and interviews as necessary. The screening shall be closed to the public. (If accepted, some of the information shall be disclosed.) 

More Information

8. Research Outcome and Reporting

An implementation report of the research theme shall be submitted by March 31, 2026 and you will be asked to participate in a performance debriefing session for the entire program scheduled to be held around February to March 2026.
If publishing the outcome of this program with a research paper, etc., the acknowledgment or funding for the research paper, etc. must state that the outcome of the research is on the expense of the NINS OML Program. 

More Information

9. Statement of the Program at the Workshop

Please be sure to clearly state that the workshop will be held with support from the National Institutes of Natural Sciences Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Project in the workshop notice, poster, etc. In addition, other than the above description, it is not necessary to state the host, co-host, co-sponsor, supporter, etc. 

10. Others

About MIRAI-DX, Items to be submitted, Handling of intellectual property, Handling of personal information, Accommodation facilities and Childcare support of more information, please see below for more details.

More Information

11. Contact Information and Consultation Desk

If you have any questions, consultations, etc. about this open recruitment, please contact the following.

Research Cooperation Division, Administrative Bureau, NINS



Email:nins-jr"@" ( Please replace "@" with @.


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